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The 60s bring new life experiences and health risks. But it's not a time for fear, it's a time for action!

It's about taking proactive steps to safeguard your health and independence and being present for companionship with your partner.  

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How do we protect your life

With our advanced technology and expert medical team, we offer a thorough assessment that screens for over 100 health conditions.. Scroll down to learn more

Danger Detection: We screen and monitor you for the top 10 causes of death in the 60s, helping you escape 'health tsunamis'

Health Assurance: We help you to implement a personal health roadmap created by multiple health specialists and tracked via our digital app

Disease Mitigation: Get access to scientific therapies to prevent or manage chronic diseases like diabetes, and high blood pressure

Brain Scans

Life & Disease Danger Detection

Our tests focus on major health risks, ensuring early detection and providing preventive measures.

* Call us for more information on Diagnostics

Health Assurance & Disease Mitigation

Includes consultations with a panel of expert specialists, to devise a personal health road map that is tracked by apps, wearables, and doctors 

* Call us for more information on Diagnostics

Go back to Agelss at 60 or scroll down to view greater details

Agelss Diagnostic Module (Part 1)

Top 10 Life Risk Screening

Multi Modal Screening For top 10 causes of death as per WHO data for your age group. 

Body Function Checks

Tests that check the functioning .e.g. ECG, TMT, ECHO, PFT and more

Comprehensive Lab Tests

All Blood, Urine and Stool Tests that are done in most premium health checks. 

Agless Anthro Check

Anthropometric Assessments Using Latest Medical Advancements 

Agelss BodyScan

Full Body Radiology Scans, Focussed on your personalized Risk including MRI. 

Hormone & Metabolic Scan

Multi Modal Measurements of Levels of Key Hormones and their ratios. 

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